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如何加入會員呢? How to join the membership programme?請您點選右上角「註冊」後,填寫會員資料,完成後即可成為會員。 You can click the register button on the right corner of the page, after you fulfil the application form, you can join our membership programme.
忘記密碼怎麼辦? What should I do if I forget the password?點選「忘記密碼」,輸入E-MAIL後系統會發信至您的信箱,收信後點選相關連結並按步驟完成,即可設定新密碼。 Click "Forget Password", enter yout email, we will send you the link to renew your password through email system.
如何修改個人資料? How to renew my personal information?修改個人資料:下單時可直接更改地址,系統會告知是否儲存。 You can renew your personal information when you purchase a new order.
我如何能得知是否已經成功下單? How can I know if I success for purchase?如閣下有收到由我們發出的確認電郵,那代表閣下已成功下單!閣下亦可以登入帳號,查看舊有訂單紀錄及追蹤最近的訂單。 You will receive an confirmation email if you are sucessfully purchased. You can login to your account for reviewing and tracking the order.
為何我收不到訂單確認電郵? Why I cant receive the confirmation email?訂單確認電子郵件可能會落入垃圾郵件 / 濫發郵件資料夾中。如果仍然找不到訂單確認電郵,請發送電郵至,我們將會作進一步調查。 The confirmation email may send to your email junk box or spam box, please check again. If you still cannot receive the confirmation emial, please contact us by email
你們接受批量購買嗎?Can I order a batch of products?如有興趣進行批量購買,請發送電郵至,我們將會繼續跟進。 Yes of course, please contact us by email
我可以在同一訂單中使用兩個折扣代碼嗎? Can I use two promotion code in one order?很抱歉,一個訂單只能使用一個折扣代碼。 Sorry, we only can use one promotion code in one order.
你有提供個人化的服務嗎? Can I place any customise order?當然可以。如果你希望製作個人化的香氛產品, 請你透過電郵 ( 聯絡我們, 我們會盡力滿足你的要求, 讓你享有專屬的感官體驗。 Yes, of course. If you wish to create a customise fragrance product, please contact us by email ( We will endeavour to meet your requirements and give you the best aroma enjoyment.
商品何時到貨呢?What is the delivery time of thr products?現貨商品會依序出貨,寄出的工作天約為3-5天,如急需可告知客服,或是填寫備註讓出貨部門了解。客製化商品需時製作,請與客服聯絡確定發貨期。 We are aiming to have your order dispatched from our facility within 3-5 business days for the product that have stock. The tailors product requires longer production time, please confirm the process time with us before order.
如何辦理退換貨呢?Can I return the products?抱歉,我們暫不提供退換貨服務,商品不完整/ 瑕疵或寄錯商品狀況則不在此限。 No return or exchange service at this time, except incomplete goods, defective goods or wrong goods.
收到瑕疵商品怎麼辦? What should I do if I receive somrthing wrong?請將瑕疵商品拍照私訊(客服信箱),並將出貨收據單連同商品保持完整,寄給我們。 Please contact us by email if you received incomplete goods, defective goods or wrong goods.
你們使用什麼蠟材? What kinds of wax material you use?我們選用優質外國進口天然植物蠟 (包括:大豆蠟及蜂蠟)。 天然蠟則是由植物製成,所產生的氣體較為天然,同時也較符合環保標準。當中比較普遍的為大豆蠟,以100%的大豆提煉而成。而天然蠟中最昂貴的為天然蜂蠟,是100%從蜂巢所提煉出來的蠟,也可以叫做蜜蠟。 We use natural soy wax and bee wax for our scent products. They all purchased from America/ Europe.
你們的香薰精油有認證嗎?Do your frgrance oil have certificate?我們選用歐洲/美國進口香薰精油,所有材料皆有擁有 IFRA 認證。 IFRA (International Fragrance Association) 是全球香味業界的監管機構。IFRA 的成立旨於透過一系列的科學測試及研究去確保所有香味產品都是符合標準, 並能安全使用。 歐盟所有的調香公司、國際大型香水及香味品牌都是跟隨IFRA 的標準, 確保其產品的安全性及不會對人體有害。 Our fragrance oil purchased from Europe/ America, all the fragrance oil have IFRA certificate. The International Fragrance Association (IFRA) is an official self-regulatory representative body of the fragrance industry worldwide. It is established to ensure the safety use of fragrance materials through a dedicated science program. All European fragrance blending companies, scent producing companies and international perfume brand are following IFRA standard to ensure the safeness of their products.
你的產品在甚麼地方生產的? Where is your product made?我們的產品都是於香港人手製造。 Our products all are hand poured and made in Hong Kong.
我家中有寵物 / 我是孕婦 / 我家中有小朋友 , 我可以使用你的產品嗎? I have pets / I am pregnant / I have kids at home , can I use your products?"可以。我們的精油都擁有IFRA 認證,證明其配方是安全使用,對寵物、孕婦、小朋友及長者無害。如果你本身患有較特別的情況, 我們建議你使用前先向你的家庭醫生查詢。 Yes. All our fragrance oil have IFRA certificates which are proved to be safe for pets, pregnant women, kids and elder people. However, if you have special situation, we recommend you to check with your doctor before you use it.
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